Презентация клиники инъекционной витаминной терапии

Global demand for IV Vitamin Therapy To assess the potential for market growth, we conducted an analysis using the Google Trends service to assess the interest of Google search engine users in a particular phenomenon, in this case, IV Vitamin Therapy. The values on the Y-axis represent the level of interest in the topic. The highest historical value of the number of queries corresponds to the index 100, all other indexes are calculated as the ratio of the current number of queries to the highest. According to the Google Trends user guide, a score above 50% indicates a high level of interest among users. The data presented shows that since 2018 the index value exceeded 50, and in 2020 the level of interest in IV Vitamin Therapy ranged from 42 to 89, meaning that interest in the procedure was above average. The increase since 2015 is + 294.12%. Based on these data, we can make a reasonable assumption that the market will only grow in the coming years. Dynamics of queries in google for the keywords "IV Vitamin Therapy"