Презентация клиники инъекционной витаминной терапии

The bus iness Idea i s to found an IV Vi tamin Therapy Cl in ic in Beausolei l , in South France, c lose to Monaco to benef i t the celebri t ies att i tude to thi s procedure. Nature of Business Vitamin drip therapy is a type of integrative medicine involving nutrient infusions, such as magnesium and vitamin C, directly to the body’s cells. These help prevent illnesses, promote expeditious recovery, and/or maintain wellness to live a healthier life. Unlike traditional oral supplements, the IV therapies have a 100% absorption rate and get to work to replenish one’s hydration levels, restore vitamin and nutrient balance, refresh a cosmetic appearance, and leave people feeling well. Though IV Vitamin Therapy is now a mainstream option for consumers and no longer just associated with celebrities or executives, Kelly Osbourne, Simon Cowell, Madonna and Rihanna did a lot to make it popular. IV VITAMIN CLINIC L IFESTYLE & BEAUTY INSTRUMENT