Презентация разработчика мобильных приложений JustVPS

VIRTUAL ELECTRONICS PTE LTD Software Development Outsourcing 10 We have started our new business line – software development outsourcing, offering the companies an expertise they do not have in-house. That includes: • Software products: mobile app development, big data & analytics, QA & Software testing, IoT technology, DevOps, IT technical support,, consulting and implementation etc. • Research & development services: software product development, platform development, PoC development • Design services: game art production, UX/UI design, product design, design team • Team extension services: quality assurance, IT operations for business model optimization, tech support • Other services: applicants testing & packaging, software reengineering, software asset management, etc. Our clients are innovative businesses that look to upscale their in-house development capacity or need access to a particular technology. We offer them expertise and experience not available in-house, providing them with dedicated development and/or and R&D teams ranging up to 40 experts, who help fast growing companies scale and develop their business in the long run. Our clients are banks, professional services firms, global telecommunication providers, engineering companies, software vendors, marketing agencies, and many more. To date, we are on the way to becoming a mid-sized Global IT outsourcing provider with a pool of talented software development professionals in our development centers in Ukraine (Kiev) and Belarus (Minsk). NEW BUSINESS DIRECTION