A sample Business Plan for E-2 Visa application

12 month, and 4G networks provide now slower internet and less stable communications (see Figure 4). The U.S. average internet speed is in the 38th place, behind countries like Romania and Finland. At an economic level, it’s a significant competitive disadvantage. Work and digital services are mobile these days. Many companies have a “mobile first” strategy that prioritizes access to products or services via mobile devices like smartphones. America’s overloaded 4G networks could soon pose a serious threat to the economy’s ability to keep pace with the rest of the world. And the solution of the problem is to upgrade the U.S. failing communications infrastructure to the next generation of wireless connectivity: fifth-generation, or 5G. This upgrade is a business that Engineeric LLC is going to take part. With 5G, the peak speed jumps to 10 gigabits per second (Gbps). One gigabit is 1,000 megabits. So at peak speed, 5G will be about 1,000 times faster than the average 4G connection we have today. 5G is a game-changer because of all the technological innovations it will bring about. Another significant effect is that 5G will create an additional three million jobs. That includes jobs associated with building and maintaining the wireless networks, as well as jobs related to products and services that will be created thanks to the high speeds of 5G. It will also add about $500 billion in U.S. GDP growth. Figure 4 Voice and data transmission