Бизнес-план производства рыбной муки и рыбьего жира

25 B u s i n e s s p l a n | F i s h m e a l a n d f i s h o i l p r o d u c t i o n Compet i t ion Company over view C OMPANY OV E RV I EW Protein Company is a commodity trading firm with expertise in feed ingredients (par excellence fishmeal and fish oil) over 25 years. Company has many years of experience in the fishmeal business: sourcing, logistics, document preparation, sales and marketing. CORPORATE STRUCTURE AND MANAGEMENT Supreme governing body of the Company is the Board of Directors (BOD). BOD will consist of the President, Vice President of Operation and a number outside directors. Board of Directors meeting will be held at least once a quarter, solving all the most important issues of the company.