Бизнес-план производства рыбной муки и рыбьего жира

26 B u s i n e s s p l a n | F i s h m e a l a n d f i s h o i l p r o d u c t i o n Company strategy C OMPANY S T RA T E GY VISION We will create a large trader in China, based on the region with large stocks of fish, a relatively low level of competition for it and effective business environment in the US. STRATEGIC CHALLENGE At the time of this business plan the company has reached maximum efficiency in its trading business. The results of the gap-analysis (see Figure 23) demonstrate that a further increase in profitability is possible if Company control all stages of production and sale of fishmeal, including - fishing and processing. Figure 23. Strategic Development Plan Therefore Company needs to have its own production in Louisiana and fishing in the Mexican Gulf. See page 5